Friday, June 12, 2009

But honestly, can anybody stop this train?

I received a post card in the mail today with a picture of a sailboat out on the ocean during sunrise that said, "A checkup with your hygienist is like a ray of sunshine!" ...No it is not. First of all, I hate the dentist. Period. Everything about the dentist scares me and makes me want to cry. I don't like them poking and prodding around my mouth, I hate the suction tube that makes my mouth all dry and makes me want to swallow way too much, and I can't STAND the fluoride treatments! They now have the option to have this sticky stuff "painted" on your teeth instead of having the do the gag-inducing, messy, foamy fluoride tray, but it has to stay on all day and you can't brush your teeth and it makes them look yellow! (Although, I do the second option usually anyway just to avoid that horrible rabies feeling... Anyway, I have to make a freaking appointment so I might as well do it soon and get it over with... that's just my little rant about the dentist. Moving on...

Work at Victoria's Secret Sales Support has been going really well. I work Sunday and Monday from 6:00 pm to 2:30 am! Those shifts take the life out of me, but I live for them because it's lots of hours and lots of work (the time really does fly by towards the end). It's the first 3 hours or so of the shift that suck. After that the time goes by faster and faster. Anyway, I already got a free cotton panty for doing a self-study! :) (The trouble is... I left it there when I got it and now have no idea where it is because I waited to long to tell them! I don't want to sound stupid!) My birthday party dinner was going to be Sunday, but now I had to move it because of work... oh well.

Birthday. Weird. I will be 20. No more teenage years. No more excuses it seems. I'm a little nervous about growing up. John Mayer says,

"So scared of getting older,
I'm only good at being young." - Stop This Train

And in a sense I completely understand what he's trying to say. I want to stay in my twenties forever, but I guess that's not possible.

I'm starting to ramble and really need to do something about my nails (AKA: get a fill). I'll catch up more with you later! <3

1 comment:

Jen said...

Awwww you are 20! A little secret, enjoy it because the twenties are the best years!
Good luck with the job! I cant wait to hear all about it ;).